Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer reading Assigment: Crime and Punishment Journal #1-- Justine

As I began reading, "Crime And Punishment", I found the tone to be very mysterious. The structure of the sentences such as leaving out letters in particular words is

something I noticed very quickly. Fyodor Dostoevsky left me anxious at this time. I wonder what the reason is that he did this. Did he simply forget the full names? Is there a secret message waiting to be found? My mind can only think of so many possibilities.

I also found drinking alcohol as to being a major concept in the story. This can be connected to current events in the world because till this day people relay on alcohol as

escape from a stressful life. The particular scene in the story, that drew me into the book involving alcoholic, is when Raskolnikov found himself conversing with a drunken man in the bar. The literary element, imagery, was greatly embellished in this scene.

So far, I am enjoying the book. I like how the author tries to be secretive and not give away every piece of information. It keeps me guessing, therefor my eyes linger from

page to page waiting for the next move to be made. In addition, when I read the letter that Raskolnokiv's mother sent him it deeply touched my heart. It reminded me how sad the world is when it comes to poverty. Having some people filthy rich and others wishing for the smallest amount of money to come their way is unfortunate.

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