Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer reading Assigment: Crime and Punishment Journal #2-- Justine

I am aware that we have been asked to write our second journal based on the middle portion of the story, but I found the murder scene far too suspenseful to wait. I am so

curious to know why Raskolnikov would kill Alyona. Alyona was a stockbroker, therefor Raskolnikov could have possibly used her to get money if he was in a crisis. This leads me to believe that maybe somewhere along the line Raskolnikov did need help from Alyono and she turned him down.

Dostoevsky uses the literary device of foreshadowing before the murder takes place. The dream Raskolnikov has about the killing of the horse was before the killing of

Alyona and her sister. Once Raskolnikov kills Alyona we understand that he must be mentally unstable and suffer from some sort of mental illness. I connected this to the beginning of the story because Dostevsky made it clear how much of a nevous person Raskolnikov is when seeing people ot simpling taking a stroll down the street.

Symbolism is used in Part 2, when Raskolnikov has dreams of his landlady being beat. This shows metaphorically, that he is suffering on the inside by the crime he has

commited. We can see that he has a conscience and is aware of the bad deed. If I were in his place, I'd be nervous as well. This murder scecne deffinitly leaves me wanting more. My main question that I can't seem to find the answer to is "WHY" did he commit this murder.

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