Friday, August 17, 2007

Role Reversals

In Part Three of Heart of Darkness, a very confusing and contradictory moment takes place while Marlow is traveling to see Kurtz. The roles of cannibal and pilgrim seemed to be reversed creating a strange atmosphere. The pilgrims aboard the ship are rough men, and the “cannibals” are quiet and behaved. This switching of stereotypes leads one to believe which group really needs the civilizing. Another stranger scene is when Marlow’s helmsman gets struck by an arrow during the attack of the ship. Marlow watches him die and instead of showing any emotion to this loss, he takes his socks and shoes off because of the blood. I can really see underlying darkness laid out in the story.
posted by Christina R.


  1. I do agree with you it's hard to say wich gruop needs civilizing becuase the pilgrims act like savages mistreating and patronizing others.

  2. Re: Role Reversals

    I think Conrad is trying to make a point to the reader by “reversing roles” He makes us question the true intentions of European colonialism.

  3. Re: Role Reversals
    I think Conrad is trying to make a point to the reader by “reversing roles” He makes us question the true intentions of European colonialism.
