Thursday, August 16, 2007

Review of Heart of Darkness

To be honest, beginning this book scared me a bit because I had heard from other people that it was vague and hard to understand and the language was difficult, etc. But personally I found none of these things wrong with the book. My only problem was that it was BORING. It wasn't so much what the characters were saying or how they were saying it, it's just that I didn't care. When starting this assignment, I had initially started with Crime and Punishment and found it dull so eventually I decided to read Heart of Darkness to save a little time. However, I soon found out that this book droned on and on, much like I thought Crime and Punishment did, but on a much more advanced level. In all fairness the only thing I can say that I liked about the book was that it gave me a new appreciation of Crime and Punishment as a piece of literature. I can honestly say without guilt that this is neither a book that I would pick up on my own nor a book that I would regret not picking up.
Mikaela M.


  1. Before I began Heart of Darkness, I knew nothing about it. I didn't know what to expect. I also thought that the book was very boring, and I'm glad that I got it over with quickly so that I could spend more time on Crime and Punishment. Crime and Punishment is much more interesting and caught my attention at once. While I do agree that Heart of Darkness is boring, and that I wouldn't consider giving it another shot, I did gain an appreciation for it. It was by far a very eloquent, well written novel.

  2. Re: Review of Heart of Darkness

    I personally found the story line to be interesting, but Conrad’s writing to be boring. He goes off on too many tangents and attempts to fill up page space with details instead of action. Some people may like this, but I just wanted him to get to the point. Overall, I did find the book slightly enjoyable, but there were just some annoyances. Conrad’s descriptive writing was cool at first, but it soon turned into droning. It was this droning that almost put me to sleep on numerous occasions. His writing evokes movie- like images, but can only be tolerated for so long. I am more interested in the story itself than with his use of language
