Sunday, August 19, 2007

Review of C&P

Crime and Punishment is without a doubt one of the best books I have read. It has climbed to the top of my list, and I wouldn’t doubt recommending it to anyone. Aside from the thrilling crime story that was the main plot, Crime and Punishment contains a lot of psychology. It makes the reader think, much like Heart of Darkness, but in a much more interesting manner. The way Dostoevsky managed to intertwine all the characters, and have them all linked to one another was amazing. At points I found myself asking, what does this person have to do with the story? Why are they being mentioned so much? Towards the end, everything became clear. What I love the most was the amount of suspense that Dostoevsky kept me in. It was not until Part VI that everything truly began to unravel. I especially loved the cliffhanger at the end of Part VI, even though the epilogue did not allow the reader to make up their own mind and leave them wondering.
Throughout the entire novel, Raskolnikov remained my favorite character. I found him to be fascinating. He was versatile, twisted, and genuine. I could see someone like him existing and at times I felt sorry for him and all the suffering that he had to endure. Even though he confessed, in the epilogue he found the peace that he had been searching for.
All, in all, Crime and Punishment is a prime example of writing that keeps the reader intrigued until the very end.
Posted by Wendy C.

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