Friday, August 17, 2007


I found this book to be quite hilarious. So many people died in vain. I believed Dunya was right in accusing Svid of killing his wife. Svid felt sort of obligated to his wife after she bailed him out of jail. He also probably wanted her to be dead before she and Dunya realized he was the bad one because he loved Dunya over his wife, and Dunya didn't want anything to do with him. However, after her death Svid did the same thing to Dunya as his wife did to him which was make him feel obligated to be with her. First he tried to bribe Dunya and then he tried to blackmail her and when that failed he killed himself for not only being a horrible person for falling in love with someone other than his wife but for also becoming the person he secretly hated. Meanwhile Rask finally realized he had done something wrong and contemplated suicide. However after hearing that Svid had killed himself he thought he couldn't do it because he was better than Svid and therefore could not degrade himself by doing the same thing Svid had done. In the end Rask feels sad and confesses but still feels right in a way. He feels that if he had killed Alyona only and gotten away with it he would've been justified but since he killed an innocent person (Lizaveta) he has to be redeemed. So in the end he kills Alyona for his "heroism" to be recognized and applauded because he was the only one with enough guts to finally kill Alyona. Yet he was actually condemned for what he had done.
posted by Nateil O.

1 comment:

  1. I find the fact that you find the ending hilarious hilarious. I've never thought of the book from this perspective.
