Sunday, March 11, 2007

Multiple Personalities

I don’t know if it is just me-- does anyone else feel like Huck has multiple personalities sometimes? I notice that throughout the book, Huck has lied to a lot of people, and to each person he tells a different story. For example, in the beginning of the book, Huck dresses up as a young girl and tells the old women that he is “Sarah Williams from Hookerville." We all know he is not Sarah Williams! As I started to read chapter 20, Huck is describing the story, or should I say lie, that he is going to tell the Duke and King. As I read that little section, I began to laugh. That is when I noticed that Huck tells a new and different story to everyone he meets. I found this funny; it felt as if Huck was living multiple personalities. Each time he made up a new story, he had to pretend he was someone that he was not. Another example is when Huck pretended he was from England, and had to answer all these questions about it. I found this scene between him and Mary to be very funny. When Huck wasn’t able to answer one of Mary’s questions quickly, he would cough and instantly say what first came to mind. That’s Huck living his multiple personalities! It is fun to hear what comes out of that mouth of his.
posted by Victor O.

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