Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rachel's journal #3: A Streetcar Named Desire

FINALLY! I knew it! Blanche, I’m sorry for your loss in sanity. Stella, I’m sorry in your loss in sister. Stanley, I’m sorry for your loss in punching bag. Mitch, I’m sorry for your loss in possible wife, and your poor mother. To everyone else, congratulations! You cared nothing for Blanche, and therefore didn’t lose anything! Eunice- you personally made the end scene 10 times worse by not allowing Stella to mourn the departure of her sister by shoving her crying baby back into her arms, in order to watch men play poker. Steve- you chauvinist! You wouldn’t care if it was your own sister or your wife. Cards are what your life revolves around, and you couldn’t be bothered by a single womanly care in the world- including the “declared insanity” of a woman who’d been living downstairs from you for weeks! Personally, I hope Eunice gives you a good hard sock in the stomach, and that you wake up from your anti-feminine daze to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around poker. Poor Blanche. This was foreseen and no one came to help you. I believe that you should be allowed to reap your revenge- right after you get the polka music to stop playing in your head! Seriously, get that checked out. In all, this play was a great read; I couldn’t put it down. I would recommend it to anyone looking to get completely immersed in a place you wouldn’t normally want to live in. It’s a satisfying book, and the only thing I really wish for is a less racist and more descript character list, so I can be warned the next time I pick it up for a quick read, about the strangeness that lies within. And by the way, I’m not even going to touch upon Stanley trying to soothe his wife by inappropriately touching her in front of her friend and his poker buddies. That’s just plainly stated the wrong thing to do. I mean, she’s sad over Blanche, she’s got her post-pregnancy hormones running wild, and she’s trying to take care of a bawling baby, and you throw decency to the wind and descend into ape-dome by caressing her breast? Are you mad? No, you’re just completely not evolved. You’re a MONKEY. Enjoy Stella’s PTSD, nagging, and post-partum depression!


  1. Rachel I felt bad for Blanche too, but dont forget.. I still believe she was a whore back in Laurel. I felt bad, but not too bad.

    Stan may have been a meanie but he certainly told it like it was, even if it drove her to insanity. And look at the bright side, now the Kowalski house can return to "normalcy" now that the erratic and compulsive Blanche is gone. hahahaha

  2. I really like this journal! Everything you said about each of the character's personal sentiment towards Blanche is so valid. I completely feel the same way you do about their feelings towards her.
