Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jihyun's Entry on Part III of Heart of Darkness

In Heart of Darkness I remember this quote most. In pg 151, "The brown current ran swiftly out of the heart of darkness, bearing us down towards the sea with twice the speed of our upward progress; and Kurtz's life was running swiftly, too, ebbing, ebbing out of his heart into the sea of inexorable time." This quote represent Congo river's darkness also Marlow's separation from African American. Though out the novel Darkness was the to suggestion for future also characters' conditions of actions.

In part one and two, Kurtz's character was Shadow. But, in part three Kurtz's character appears clearly. Marlow and Kurtz are two men who are exist with mirror images with each others. In part three, native woman was very interesting character in the novel. She was like European woman who gained ivory. Also one of the scene that I remember in the novel is pg 153~154, "He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath: The horror! The horror!" It shows deep human emotional also his experience in Congo river and his soul. Though out the story the novel was mainly focus on imperialism and darkness. It was about Marlow's journey to inner and external of Congo river.

In part three I have a one question, after the kurtz's death Marlow visit Kurtz's fiancee. But, why Marlow lies about Kurtz's last word before Kurtz passed away?


  1. I think Marlow lies to Kurtz's Intended because he's trying to spare her emotions. She didn't know the corrupted-imperialist Kurtz, and Marlow tried to keep it that way. She knew Kurtz, the man she loved, as a good and decent man. Marlow was only being kind by lying.

  2. Yeah, I also feel, continuing on Josh's opinion, that perhaps Marlow didn't want to disturb her dream world. Remember how Marlow stated about women that they are beautiful and should stay in their own world because they can't contribute to his. Well I just felt that he didn't want to hurt her more, and she seemed to believe Kurtz and her were in love and remembers him as a smart figure that she understood. He didn't want to disturb her dream world basically.
