Monday, August 4, 2008

Julie's Second Entry on A Streetcar Named Desire

Mitch and Blanch seem to have something in common, a young love that died. Maybe they end up with some sort of relationship. It’s plainly obvious that Blanche doesn’t care for Stanly, and that the feelings are mutual. Also, the whole episode when Stella is upstairs, and Stanley is downstairs screaming her name; I find that extremely over dramatic. I know he’s drunk and all, but if he knows she’s up there, can’t he just walk up the stairs and knock on the door. It’s difficult to figure out how I actually feel about this play. I find the story to be fairly predictable and kind of a bore. But I still have scenes 5-11.


  1. I completely agree with you about Blanche and Mitch. Once they got to know each other it was like everything went downhill.
    I have to disagree though with the scene being over-dramatic. I know most people would sensibly knock on the door and try to be calm and soothing to make everything better but I believe Tennessee Williams saw this needed more. First of all Stella wouldn't leave the room and the landlady made sure that Stanley wouldn't go into the room so to him in his drunk manor the only thing that made sense was to be loud and annoying and scream her name until she came out. Second of all I feel that the scene portrays their characters. Stella is quiet and needs her space and then she is very forgiving whereas Stanley is loud and obnoxious and thinks like an animal. Third of all I felt a great amount of suspense when he was screaming for her, would she come down the stairs or would she leave him out there to think about his actions?
    But to each their own i guess.

  2. I actually enjoyed the play, however I completely agree with Julie that the scene when Stanley was drunk was overdramatic. I actually found it to be funny instead of intense or poignant, if that's what it was intended to be.
    In that scene, Stella completely managed to make me hate her by coming down when Stanley called for her. I think that her coming down and forgiving Stanley so soon just gave him the idea that he can do anything to her and get away with it.
