Monday, August 29, 2011

Zanovia Pierce --Crime and Punishment 2

Journal Entry #2:
As I read further most of my questions were answered. I came to find out what action Rasknolnikov was contemplating was awful. He was thinking of killing the old lady pawnbroker introduced earlier in the book. The narrator goes back to the time Rasknolnikov first laid eyes on the old woman and described how he hated everything about her. Also how he overheard two people talking about the old lady explaining there feelings about her, saying she was basically horrible person and should not be alive. Hearing this Rasknolnikov took the matter into his own hands and killed her one night while she was alone in her apartment. Soon after that her sister came home to find her dead, but Rasknolnikov was still there and when she saw him he killed her too.
In my opinion Rasknolnikov has some serious problems. I don't know if he was trying to be a vigilante or something along those lines, but what he did was completely wrong in every way. He doesn't seem to fully understand that thoroughly though and that scares, and makes me question what he's going to do next? I guess I'll have to find out. Whatever it is I don't think its going to be good.

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