Monday, August 29, 2011

Rabiya Ahmed Crime and Punishment 2

I've read parts 3 and 4 of "Crime and Punishment" and things have definitely taken an interesting turn. It seems that Raskolnikov is beginning to develop some sort of personality disorder. At times he is kind towards his family and friends and during others, he becomes cold and even contemptuous. He is also very bad at hiding his paranoia about the murder. He was especially very paranoid when he and Razumikhin went to see porfiry. Raskolnikov is turning out to be a very sinister character. Luzhin is very rude to have sent a letter saying he did not want to see Dunya's brother at their meeting. She made the right decision by defying Luzhin's commands. It shows that Dunya is much like her brother, in the sense that she is also prideful and very intelligent. Sonya finally make an appearance in front of Rakolnikov! I find her timid nature and her nervousness to be cute, although shes a pitiful character as well.
What was a real surprise was Svidrigailov's arrival. Although Svidrigailov wants to break up a terrible marriage and give Dunya thousands of copecks, i feel he has some ulterior motive. I can't believe Dunya broke of the engagement with Luzhin. He was selfish in thinking she should love her husband more than her own family. Now that he's out of the picture, Razumikhin can finally sweep her off her feet and I hope he does. Who was the man who called Raskolnikov the murderer? And how does he know that its him? I sense that Raskolnikov is already found out and will have to face punishment soon. Even though he finds salvation in Sonya, He acts very shady around her. I hope she does offer the salvation he needs in order to atone for his crime. Things are turning out to go Raskolnikovs way as the decorator, Nikolai, admits to killing the pawnbroker. Lets see where the story takes us next.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with how you said he developed a personality disorder at the beginning of parts 3 & 4. I also noticed he was terrible about covering up his paranoia about the murders. I thought as I was reading it that it was really weird that he was nervous to be suspected of the murders, yet he never hid the fact that he actually did it.
