Thursday, May 10, 2007

Favorite Character

My favorite character in The Great Gatsby is Jay Gatsby himself. His image and his past demonstrate that people like Gatsby are determined to achieve whatever goal or goals those people have, even if it means to walk the wrong and immoral path. Gatsby, on the outside, is like everyone else. His goal is to win Daisy's love and live happily with her. On the inside, however, we can see that Gatsby is significantly different from everyone else, for he was willing to walk the dangerous path of bootlegging if that was the only choice he had to win Daisy's heart and achieve his goal. This high moral of "the process of achieving a dream does not matter; what matters is the achievement itself" may be trite, but it's logically reasonable because lots of people often think this way when they're tempted like Gatsby is. As a conclusion, I like Gatsby the most out of everyone else in The Great Gatsby because he exemplifies the kind of spirit no one else does in the book by putting his life in jeopardy (for bootlegging), which takes a lot of guts and determination to do.
posted by Manuel K.

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