Saturday, July 5, 2008

Nicole's Second Entry on A Streetcar Named Desire

I’m going to discuss how the beginning of Scene 5 has struck me the most thus far. Though I’m sure you would expect me to talk about Scene 4 as the most striking, but in Scene 4, the way Blanche and Stella reacted to Stanley’s drunken rant, was completely different as to how the two reacted to their upstairs neighbor, Steve’s drunken rant.

The same way that Stanley was treating Stella when he was drunk on the night the guys were playing cards at his house, was the way Steve was treating Eunice a couple of days later. The only differences there were: Eunice isn’t Blanche’s sister and Eunice was actually fighting back by threatening to call the police on her drunken husband. But when it was Eunice’s turn to get abused, instead of Blanche getting frantic in a drunken situation, she just “laughed lightly” at the scenario. Throughout the book earlier, she tried her best to make others think that she got very upset when around others who were drunk, but now she has blown up her position. Her quote to Stanley earlier in the book was, “I hardly touch it,” referring to alcohol. Her reaction to Stanley and Stella’s previous row was all just an act as we know it may be now. Now that we know Blanche can laugh at a terrible occurrence like this, we know she has been trying to portray a fake self image and maybe, she does really “touch alcohol,” more than we may think.

Compared to the other row, we would have suspected Blanche to characteristically help Eunice fight for her rights as a woman. The fact that she didn’t also shows that Blanche may have faked her freight and craze. I think she doesn’t get that scared of drunken men, she just wants her “little” sister, Stella back for herself now that the Belle Reve is lost, and now that she has been left with no one.


  1. You made excellent points that I didn't even think of when I was reading Scene 5. I noticed some differences in the way that Blanche acted because obviously she is a liar but not the ones you mentioned. I really feel that in her own way she is just using Stella and playing with her because she acts whatever way she needs to in order to convince Stella that she needs to leave Stanley and run away with her. You are right, when it comes to other people experiencing the same things Stella does, its funny, a joke, and no big deal. Her attitude changes depending on how she can benefit herself and her needs which I have yet to figure out what they are. She is full of lies and is inconsistent in her stories and I can't wait to see if it all blows up in her face. Very good observation you made I don't think I would have given it a thought had you not mentioned it.

  2. I agree with Chloe Blanche is a huge liar and try’s to manipulate people. I feel like everything she says is a lie and if I was Stella it would be very hard for me to trust her and what she says but than at the same time I see why Stella doesn’t believe Stanly when he tells her Blanche is a liar. Who really wants to believe there sister is lying to them or just trying to manipulate them? I know I wouldn’t. I also agree that she is inconsistent in her stories and I also feel that in the end it will all blow up in her face.
