Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sky's journal: Crime and Punishment

Journal # 3
Crime and Punishment
I guess I was right most of the book it was Raskolnikov eating himself alive from the guilt of the murder. Watching Raskolnikov character go through such changes and torment, reminded me sort of Kafas Metamoropish. I felt like Gregor was tormented by being a bug traped in a body, which he couldn’t get out of, and Raskolnikov was tormented and trapped by his guilt and the insanity that it leads it too. He also thought that he was better than humanity, putting himself above everyone. Eventually he came to accept his mediocrity as a person, but he still stood to justify his action of murder. I think the only real time he felt like he wasn’t above the norm was when he realized that he loved Sonya.
Raskolnikov’s relationships with the other characters in the novel show a lot about his personality and understanding of himself. Although he cares about Razumikhin, Pulcheria Alexandrovna, and Dunya, Raskolnikov is so caught up in his cynical outlook of life that he is unappreciative of their attempts to help him. I feel like he turns to Sonya as this other person who bends around the socail norms, but the difference between them is what Sonya is doing is for the sake of her family,(I don’t think she would prostitute if her family had money) , but no one is forced Raskolnikov into his actions and he committed his crimes for his sake alone.
I really did enjoy reading this book it was hard at first but once you got used to all the names it was a long journey. I do recommend this book to someone with a lot of patients and to people who know how to handle long books.

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